For wine in Znojmo area

Znojmo and wine are very closely related. There are no exact records of when wine began to be grown in Znojmo. It is said that the vine was brought to Moravia by Roman legions. But the cultivation of vines took root only in the period of the Great Moravian Empire. The first written mentions come from the 11th and 12th centuries. At the end of the 13th century, a winemaking guild was founded in Znojmo. Znojmo wine had an excellent reputation and was supplied to the table of Czech kings. Viticulture and winemaking flourished until the 16th century, but declined for a long time after the Thirty Years' War in the 17th century. It was restored only in the 19th century and reached a high level, which it has maintained until now. Wine lovers can visit countless wine cellars and wine shops, whether of well-known brands such as Vinné sklepy Lechovice, Znovín Znojmo or Lahofer winery, or private winemakers who produce high-quality wine. However, the beautiful vineyards must not be neglected either.

Every year at the beginning of September, a wine tasting called the Znojmo historical vintage takes place in Znojmo. The Znojmo vintage is a cultural and social event of a supra-regional nature, which symbolizes the celebration of the grape harvest, but is also focused on getting to know traditions, history and contemporary culture. Its scene is almost the entire city center, or rather a large part of the city conservation area and its surroundings.

The program is divided into two parts that overlap in time and space. The historic part is dominated by a ceremonial parade through the city on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon. It consists of three hundred characters in period costumes, and of course there are horses and a number of attractions. The golden nail is the married royal couple - John of Luxembourg and Eliška Přemyslovna. The parade ends with a festive scene on the main stage.

There is also great interest in knightly tournaments, a historic marketplace with artisans and vendors, as well as a military encampment. Visitors are also offered a cultural program that culminates on Saturday evening with traditional fireworks. An integral part of ZV is also the Znojemsko Jubilee Regional Exhibition - Garden of Moravia and the Economic Exhibition. The spiritual program in the churches of St. Michael and St. Nicholas. An integral part of the Znojmo vintage is the wine program, where wine producers present their products and organize educational tastings and wine tastings.

Cross cellar in Přímětice

The cellar was built in the 18th century by the Jesuits and is one of the largest cellars in the country. The cellar can be visited individually from 1.1. to 31.8. every Friday from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., every day after 4:00 p.m. hour via hotel "N" (after reporting to the reception). For groups and with the option of tasting.

Šatov painted cellar

The cellar is located in the wine-growing village Šatov about 12 km from Znojmo. The sandstone walls with paintings represent naive art and were created between 1934-1968. A tour with a tasting is possible for at least 5 people by agreement.

Blue cellar

Modrý sklep is located in the village of Nový Šaldorf, which is within reach of public transport in the city of Znojmo. The sandstone cellar is 400 years old and has 350m long corridors, is 20m underground and holds about 60 barrels of wine of various ages. The wines in the blue cellar are made from grapes that have ripened in the vineyards on Kraví hora and Načeratické kopce.


This location is not only significant because it offers a breathtaking landscape, but also archaeological sites. It was already inhabited in the early Stone Age. In the late Stone Age, Šobes became an important social and economic center. The Dyje River represented an important communication. Already in the Middle Ages, the location was used for growing vines. Thanks to the favorable climatic conditions, the wines from this area are of exceptional quality. In the last century, it was supplied to the imperial court and to prominent Viennese restaurants. Currently, vines are grown on this site on a total area of 11 ha. Pinot Blanc and Gray, Rhine Riesling and Wallachian Riesling are mostly grown here.