Cities and places around the Vranovská dam

There are many places in the vicinity of the Vranovská dam that are really worth visiting during your stay. The nearest village is Vranov nad Dyjí, from where there is a direct bus line to the historic town of Znojmo, which is located about 25 km from the campsite. In the other direction is the small town of Telč with its historic square. There are many other options for where to go during your stay at the Vranovská pláž s.r.o. campsite. issue.

Vranov nad Dyjí

The village of Vranov nad Dyjí is located in the picturesque valley of the river Dyje. The dominant feature of the village is the castle, which stands on a 76-meter high rock. The village has a distinctly recreational character thanks to the sought-after Vranovské Reservoir and at the same time due to the location of the village on the edge of the Podyjí National Park. In addition to the castle, there are a number of other historical monuments in Vranov. Plague column in the square, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the rotunda by the church or the statue on the outskirts of the village. Three objects of light fortification from the years 1936 - 1938 can be seen here in a reconstructed state. Fortifications that were part of the defense line are equipped with period equipment and on special occasions the guides are dressed in period uniforms of the Czechoslovak army. However, the most dominant feature of the village is undoubtedly the state castle Vranov nad Dyjí. It is another building, just like Bítov Castle and Znojmo Castle, in the system of defensive castles along the border with Austria. The first mention of the original castle comes from the year 1100, when it was owned by the princes of Znojmo. In 1525, it was acquired by Jan of Pernštejn. At that time, the fortifications were strengthened. The next owner at the end of the 16th century was Maxmilián of Ditrichštejn, under whose ownership the castle was surrounded by Renaissance buildings. In 1618, the castle passed into the hands of the Althan family, who destroyed it after the 30-year war and rebuilt it into a magnificent baroque castle. In 1793, knight Josef Hilgartner from Lilienborn bought the castle, and classicist modifications took place under him. The so-called Hall of the Ancestors and the chapel are the dominant features of the castle. The castle is surrounded by beautiful nature.

Tourist train

In season, the Vranovská tourist train can transport you from the square to the Vranovská beach, or you can have it take you directly to the Vranovská castle. Its route starts at the main beach of the Vranovská dam, and continues across the beautiful footbridge connecting the other shore. Further, the route leads over a dam, a forest panorama to the village of Vranova nad Dyjí, about 2 km away. From the square of Vranov nad Dyjí, it goes up to the Vranovské Castle, the jewel of the Podyjí National Park. A very impressive ride not only for children but also for adults.

Cornštejn castle ruins

The ruin is another in the system of fortifications protecting the border of Moravia. It was built in the first half of the 14th century, when it was in the possession of the lords of Lichtenburg, later in 1464 it was conquered by the army of George of Poděbrady. The new owners Krajířová from Krajek soon reconstructed it and sold it again to Bítov in 1523. With the development of firearms, the fortifications of Cosnštejn were also improved. However, this did not last long, and at the end of the 16th century, the uninhabited castle began to fall into disrepair. Already in 1612, it is listed as deserted.

Ship transportation

Shipping on the Vranovská Reservoir has a rich history. "Máša", the first motorboat, was launched already on July 11, 1934. Today, the boat "Valentýna" navigates the waters of the dam. You can choose a regular line with four stops, or a sightseeing cruise that runs every day and up to three times a day. Boat transport operators also offer special cruises with tastings of quality Znojmo wines and cheeses or cruises with live music.


The village of Bítov is located above the Vranovská dam, approximately 2 km from the Bítov castle. The development of tourism and the new location of the village above the lake made Bítov an attractive recreational location. In the summer season, a large number of vacationers move here, who are served by an extensive network of recreational and restaurant facilities. Bítov is approximately 5 kilometers from the center of the Vranova nad Dyjí recreation area. The surroundings are suitable for cycling enthusiasts. One of the oldest castles in our country, Bítov Castle, is located in the village. The first written mention is from 1061-1067. It lies on a promontory surrounded by the Želetavka River, near its confluence with the Dyjí, in the canyon of the so-called Moravian Switzerland. The originally wooden castle was replaced by a stone castle - from the beginning of the 13th century. only the western faceted tower has survived.. Bítov used to be the center of one of the six Moravian regions. After the extinction of the Przemysl family, it came (1307) into the hands of the Lichtemburg family for more than 200 years. The core of today's Chapel of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (1334), the foundation of today's palace, the two entrance towers with gable wall and the south wing were created behind them. After the extinction of the Lichtemburks, the Strejn family from Švarcenava, the Jank family from Vlašimi (the founders of the local armory) took their place here, and between 1811 and 1863 the dilapidated castle was modified to its present-day neo-Gothic form under the Counts of Daun. The palatial Neo-Gothic interiors with a collection of extensive illusory paintings imitating wood, stone or stucco are particularly worth mentioning. The interiors are complemented by a collection of paintings of the so-called second wave of German and Austrian romantics - from the castle Rájce nad Svitavou (Schnorr from Carolsfeld, Russ, Fendi, Camphausen). The last owner until 1945 was the industrialist baron Jiří Haas from Haasenfels, under his son Jiří the younger, the castle was transformed into the largest private zoo on the continent at the time. The most sought after today is a collection of 51 stuffed dogs of various breeds.


Recreational village at the beginning of the Vranovská dam, located on both banks of the river Dyje. The village is located on the cycling route Slavonice - Vranov nad Dyjí - Znojmo. Since 1949, it has been called Podhradí nad Dyjí. Until then it was Frajštejn, Frejštejn, Freistein in German. The modern name is inspired by the motif of the ruins of Frejštejna Castle, which dominates the village from all points of view.

The village entered history in 1250 with the mention of the ownership of the castle by the brothers Gaitmar and Hartleb from Frajštejn. The next mention comes from 1331, when the castle passed into the possession of Kunrát of Bítov. The village itself is confirmed by King Vladislav II to the ownership of Leopold of Krajek and in that document mentions two mills. Between the years 1561-1563, ownership rights within the Krajíř family passed from Krajek. After that, the owners alternate as follows: Hanuš Wolfart Strein 1590, Hanuš Jiří Wolfart Strein 1612, Jakub Bechtold 1628, bachelors from Uherčice 1633. There are many holiday cottages and accommodation facilities in the place. A very attractive place for tourists and cyclists.


It is the ancient center of Podyjí, located on the border of Moravia and Austria, on a steep promontory above the river Dyje in places where the river slowly leaves the wooded valley. The city has preserved its historical character to this day with a number of excellent monuments and romantic corners. Znojmo is one of the oldest Czech cities. It is known for its winemaking tradition, which dates back to the 12th century.

Tourist wheeled train

A round trip on the tourist sightseeing train will reveal the most interesting parts of the historic city of Znojmo to you within ninety minutes. It will guide you through medieval streets and squares, you will be able to admire important monuments and offer you interesting views of the city from the valley of the river Dyje.

You can get on at any of the eight stops. It is possible to interrupt the journey and then, with a marked ticket, complete it with the next connection. The assumption is, however, that the capacity of the train is not filled. During the journey, passengers are informed about sights and attractions by means of a sound system or a guide. The tourist sightseeing bicycle train has a capacity of 30 seats and allows the transport of 4 bicycles. Cars and buses can park at the Municipal Baths or in the parking lot at the Louka Municipal Swimming Pool.

Znojmo - Rotunda of St. Catherine

The rotunda stands in the second courtyard of the Znojmo castle as the only witness of the oldest times of the city of Znojmo and perhaps the oldest standing building in our territory. The Rotunda has been included in the list of national cultural monuments since 1962. It ranks third in the order of importance of monuments in our territory, right behind Prague Castle and Karlštejn. The inner walls of the rotunda are plastered and decorated with murals, which, in addition to traditional biblical themes, present a gallery of Přemysl's rulers with the central motif of Přemysl Oráč's calling to the princely throne. It is accessible to the public according to the current climatic conditions.

Znojmo - Znojmo Castle

The original seat of the Znojmo regional princes of Přemyslov was founded in the first half of the 11th century by Prince Břetislav. At the beginning of the 18th century, there was a medieval castle on the foundations. a baroque castle was built. Now a permanent exhibition "From the History of Znojmo" is installed here, which presents the development of the prehistoric settlement of the region, the monuments of medieval and Renaissance Znojmo, the art of its temples, a collection of style furniture, old prints, extinct crafts, Vrana and Znojmo ceramics, military and hunting weapons, sharpshooters targets. It also includes a lapidary and a castle underground. A permanent exhibition of birds of prey is located in the castle moat, which separates the castle itself from the castle precincts. Znojmo falconers regularly present demonstrations of training, flight and hunting of raptors here. The station for disabled raptors in the castle moat was built in 2003 with the support of the city of Znojmo. Predators that cannot be released back into the wild are mainly housed here. Demonstrations of the training of birds of prey are always held from April 1 in the grounds of the Znojmo Castle. Different types of diurnal and nocturnal birds of prey can be seen here, as well as different types of their training.

Znojmo - Town Hall Tower

The current town hall tower was built on the site of an older tower in 1445 – 1448 by Mikuláš from Sedlešovice. Despite its age, the tower has lost none of its charm. It is 70 m high with a finely shaped green roof, formed by nine other smaller turrets. It is accessible all year round and in good weather you can see the 50 km distant Pálavské vrchy or even the 200 km distant Alps.

Znojmo - Znojmo underground

The system of intertwining corridors under the entire medieval city has a truly European dimension with its total length of 30 km. The corridors, which run several floors above each other, were carved in the rock between the 13th and 17th centuries and were well supplied with water from the so-called Jesuit aqueduct. They served as food stores, but also as shelters for residents in times of danger to the city, and were also connected to the castle. The sightseeing route starts at the house on Slepičí trh and is 1 km long. The novelty is a new tour route where fairy-tale characters, an alchemist's workshop, living rocks and a demonstration of prison dungeons are installed.

Znojmo - Church of St. Nicholas

Church of St. Mikuláš was founded by Leopold, the regional prince of Znojmo, in 1106. In 1335, a large part of the town burned down, including the Mikulášský church. Three years after that, Charles IV had a new church built. The construction of the temple was completed only in the first half of the 16th century. The local builder Mikuláš from Sedlešovice also played a significant role in the construction. Inside the temple there are a number of late Gothic monuments. On the walls behind the main altar are the remains of frescoes with passion themes and the legend of St. Achatius. Altar paintings of St. Families, Assumption of the Virgin Mary and St. Šebestiána, Bread Madonna from around 1500. Near the baptismal font, there is a glass coffin with the remains of St. Boniface, an early Christian martyr. There was an old cemetery near the church, which was abolished at the end of the 17th century. It also included the recently explored medieval ossuary, which is located between the church of St. Nicholas and St. Wenceslas Chapel.

Znojmo - Premonstratensian monastery in Louka

The former Premonstratensian monastery in Louka was one of the most important monastery complexes in Central Europe for six centuries. It was founded by Prince Konrád Ota (a Czech prince from 1189) with his mother Maria in 1190, a Premonstratensian monastery that became one of the most important institutions in Moravia and played an important role in the history of Znojmo.

Only three portals, the lower part of the semicircular apse and a spacious Romanesque crypt, divided by six pillars into two naves, have been preserved from the original abbey church, which was a Romanesque three-aisled basilica. The church itself carries elements of all building styles up to the Baroque style. During the Hussite Wars, it was destroyed together with the monastery in 1425, but was soon restored. Next to the church are the remains of a cloister from the second half of the 15th century. Further modifications were made in the 16th and 17th centuries, of which the Renaissance chapel of St. Sebastian on the floor above the sacristy with an altar from 1580.

In its present form, the church is a Baroque building from the second half of the 17th century. Prokop Diviš, the inventor of the first grounded lightning rod, worked in the Louck monastery. In 1851, the Military Engineering Academy was moved here from Vienna, which operated here until 1869. From then on, the entire area was used continuously as a barracks until 1993.

The city of Telč

Elements of the medieval city defense system can be seen everywhere in Telč. They consisted of ponds, walls, a moat and a tower. Previously, only two gates allowed access to the city. The square, indented with picturesque houses with gables and arches, corresponds in its extent to the state at the founding of the city. In the middle of the 15th century, most of the houses on the square were rebuilt with arcades and entire facades with gables according to a uniform plan. Most of the facades and gables bear the hallmarks of the Baroque, some also of later styles. The originally Gothic castle was later rebuilt into a Renaissance castle. Its premises are home to the Jan Zrzavý Gallery, exhibiting a cross-section of the work of this outstanding Czech painter, and a branch of the Museum of the Highlands.

Castle in Moravský Krumlov

The medieval castle of Jindřich of Lipé rebuilt in the middle of the 16th century. in the spirit of Genoese palace architecture. Renaissance arcaded courtyard on three floors designed by Leonardo Garda da Bisono. A cycle of 20 monumental canvases by Alfons Mucha The Slavic Epic depicting scenes from the history of the Slavic peoples has been installed in the castle. Memorial hall of the physician Theophrastus Paracelsus.

Gallery Princely House in Moravský Krumlov

Built by the Order of the Teutonic Knights, from the beginning of the 20th century. serves as a city museum. Today, fine art exhibitions, archaeological and ethnographic collections.

Jevišovice Castle

Originally a castle, in the middle of the 16th century converted into a Renaissance castle. Exhibition of the history of Jevišovick, a collection of folk furniture and old keyboard musical instruments.